Saturday, December 27, 2008

PR Aib!!!!

Noooo!!!Gw dapet PR ni dari ghea.Huff...sebenernya gw malay juga ngerjainnya.Tapi,yang ngasih udah ngedesak gw mulu buat ngerjain.Huff...tenangin hati lo Anisa...yah,here it goes...

These are the rules:
1. take a recent photo of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now
2. don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair, just take a picture
3. post that picture with no editing
4. post this instruction with your picture
5. tag 10 people to do this

Gyaaaaaa!!! nooooo Pictures, Images and PhotosSumprit lebay banget!!Aduh,aib banget tuh foto.Mana rambut gw berantakan lagi!!Huaaaa!!Oke,puas lo Ghe?Puas???runcrying Pictures, Images and Photos

Hehehe,dan orang-orang 'beruntung' yang dapet nih PR adalahhh....


Bingung gw maw kasih ke siapa.Kalo maw,bilang ke gw aja!Gak usah malu-malu!!Hahaha,mumpung gw lagi baek niiii...!!!


gheaa said...

hahahah . kurang aib tau , makasi uda di kerjain yeee , ahh

baher said...

aw aw aw....

Anisady said...

-->@Ghea:Yah,segitu juga udah aib kale!!Gw gak narsis sih,orangnya (jujur)

-->@baher:Iya dah,emang aib itu foto -__-

dek siti said...

hahahahaa~ foto lo asoy benerr!

Arju Ashari Risandika said...

foto aib ato foto narsis

Anisady said...

-->@Fata Hanifa:Yoyoy,gua geto loohhh....!!!

-->@sino:dua-duanya.Paket spesial tuh!